Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gus's French Toast- A family tradion

My husband is one of those guys who are effortlessly interesting. I know I'm biased, but I marvel at how at ease he is with his odd since of life. He has never been the guy who worries about "losing his man card" or how geeky and dorky he looks when he sports off the volumes of video game and history knowledge to the world. He does not like sports, but he can talk your ear off about cloth diapers. He would rather have wine at home then beer with the guys. He strives for the perfect vintage pompadour. He simply scoffs at any guy who dares tell him that it is feminine to carry a diaper bag or wear your baby, in fact he has witty comebacks for anyone who decides to do so. And his favorite historical figure is Genghis Khan, he even wrote a song about him.

Yea, I think he is really cool.... just don't tell him.We don't want it to all go to his head, now do we?

He also is great at making great things out of the classics. His fancy grilled cheese is amazing. His macaroni and cheese is comforting. But nothing compares to his french toast.

It has took him years of perfecting, but it is now perfect. It started from humble beginnings, the days when we first moved in together and shared a very rundown house with my best friend. When Gus's hair was long and mine was purple. The days where our pantry was full of ramen and we were lucky to have milk, eggs, and bread. Yea, the typical college student days. But as we grew up so did his french toast, and now it is all grown up!

Just try!

Gus's French Toast

One loaf of day old bread (chala, french loaf, and any homemade bread are all recommended)
1 1/4 Cup Milk
2 Eggs
1 Tsp vanilla
1/4  Tsp All Spice
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Sugar
Olive Oil

Whisk together milk, eggs, and vanilla.  Add the 2 spices and sugar and once again whisk well.

Cut up bread into thicker slices and dip into egg-milk mixture so it is fully soaked.

Coat your skillet with olive oil and cook french toast on medium heat tell golden brown. Flip over and do the same to the other side.

We serve ours with dark amber maple syrup


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