Monday, January 3, 2011

Honey Bunny Face Wash

Confession #1 :
Sometimes I eat my face wash. Hey, don't knock it. I'm a busy mom and if I'm starving I gotta do what I gotta do!

Confession #2 :
I love raw local honey.
Why ?
Well... WHY NOT!

It is a delouse natural sweetener for a hot cup of tea.
It helps your allergies. Right? Is that still proven. I hope so....
I love it on tortillas and fruit.
When I have a cough or sore throat a spoon of honey helps
It has all types of health benefits. Like a sugar you won't feel bad for indulging in.

And yes....that face wash I am smacking on is Honey!

I had my doubts. I will admit to using lots of different face wash including one laden with tons of long ingredients, acids, and who knows what else. I have sensitive skin and eczema. Luckily for the most part my face has healthy skin. I did get the usual break outs here and then and it was not unheard of for me to look a bit red or have itchy dry feeling skin on my face. But I felt what I was doing was working.

One day I caved. Looking for a more natural way to wash my face (or maybe i had ran out of my fancy smancy face wash...shhh) I brought my farmers market honey into the shower. I was a bit afraid. I kept picturing my face swelling up or my hair being a sticky mess from a freak honey accident. But it ended up being great, not really sticky, and actually really fun!

And it worked!

My face was so soft. I still put oil free moisturizer on, my mom instilled this in me growing up. But even without it my face is so soft and clear. I heart my tasty facewash.

Simply wet your face with warm water.

Put some honey on your hand and add a tiny bit of water if needed to make it a workable consistency.

Then apply it all over your face and neck in circles.

A few fun tips:
If you feel you need exfoliation you can add baking soda to the honey! It is super gentle.

If you need a bit more clean add a few drops of Dr. Bronner's soap. A tiny bit goes a long way. Just be careful if you have dry skin. And needless to say that this makes it no shower treat for you!

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