Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Morning Sunshine: He is Boogying

He is moving and a grooving!

Blip has been been mobile for a bit now. He army crawls and gets into EVERYTHING!  It is amazing to watch. His Montessori inspired shelves are now being put to use, as he crawls and pulls his toys out. It is crazy the stuff he finds on the floor, even right after I vacuum! Luckily the kitties love him, he loves crawling after them. I have to watch out or he will chew them. I could go on forever, I'm a proud mama!

The best is that he now crawls into my lap. It is the best feeling ever to have your freshly mobile baby crawl into your lap for the first time. It really shows that with his new freedom you are not lost, he still needs you. I love watching as he becomes more independent and knowing I never have to push that independence, it comes naturally and in it's own time. I love being the rock he comes back to when a day of exploring becomes to rough and he needs a home.

Sappy I know...

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